One candy that I remember liking is Dots. The other day, while I was wandering a drugstore in Nashville looking for emergency shaving cream, I decided to buy candy. My craving was for a gummi candy, and in particular, Dots. Unfortunately I couldn't remember if it was Dots I was thinking of, or Jujyfruits.
I ended up buying 1/2 pound of Jujyfruits. Excited about my purchase, I bit into a sweet-smelling green Jujyfruit... and found that it was not what I was looking for. As my jaws were trapped shut by Jujyfruit sticky power, I cursed my poor choice. Not only were Jujyfruits not what I really wanted, a quarter of the box was licorice flavored pieces. Who actually likes licorice anyway? So I ended up eating an entire box of candy that gets stuck in your teeth and that is not Dots. It was a sad day indeed.