Thursday, March 31, 2005

Veggie tales

I like vegetables. Really, I do. I mean, I like meat more, but I also like my vegetables. Not to mention that they help to keep me just a "regular" guy.

However, since I've lived on my own, it's been hard to eat my vegetables. In fact, it's become a real chore. See, I can rarely eat my vegetables before they go bad.

I guess it's mostly because I can be lazy about things. I don't like shopping for groceries all the time; I like to shop once or twice a month and be done with it. Unfortunately, veggies seem to go bad after just a few days in the fridge - and it's been worse since I've moved to NYC. It seems like everything in NYC arrives in the city just before its expiration. So we get vegetables and fruit that look fresh, but are really just a day or two from starting to go bad.

Milk, though I've always been able to have it last at least a few days past the "Sell By" date, always goes sour ON the "Sell By" date. In NYC, the "Sell By" date is also the "Last possible day you can drink this milk" date.

So every time, I buy vegetables because I know I need to eat my vegetables. Then I spend the next week frantically eating them because they will go bad. It's takes what little enjoyment there is in eating vegetables out.

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