Saturday, August 26, 2006

Chatty Kathies

I'm not very talkative, sometimes.  In general, I like to listen, think through my thoughts before verbalizing them.  I also find that I get to know people best through time, no  t by asking 20 questions.  It's actually something I mean to work on, since I have trouble engaging people right off the bat.

But there are times when I think silence is warranted.  For example, when I am on a long flight.   Or when I'm in a taxi going home after a long day.  The worst is when the taxi driver is chatty.  In China it's particularly bad, because I can't understand them through their thick accents half the time, and the other half of the time, I just plain don't understand.  So I just smile and nod, but they keep asking me questions and I feel obligated to at least acknowledge the interaction.

I wish people would just get the drift sometimes.  Stop talking to me!  There's no point to this conversation!  Is there?


Andy and Aileen said...

i like how you spelled the name "kathie" :)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha. When I first read the title, I thought the entry was about how you have noticed that all the people named "Kathie" you know are chatty.
but I know what you mean... it's hard to sleep on the plane if that person next to you just won't stop talking.

Aileen said...

Just say you're tired and don't feel like talking. Or wear your ipod and say you can't really hear them. :-P