Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bristow vs. Bauer

I've just recently started watching 24.  I discovered quickly why it's called 24.  It's hard not to spend 24 hours  a day watching 24.  There are very few shows that have this effect on me-- but one of them was Alias.  I think my record was 6 episodes of Alias in a row, and I stopped only because my ass really hurt and my bladder tore a little.  

There's no doubt: Jack Bauer is one tough mofo.  After all, he singlehandedly took out an entire room full of hostiles, who were expecting him.  

However, after careful thought and reflection, I still have only one conclusion: Sidney Bristow is badder than Jack will ever be.  

I say "still" because a friend who is a big 24 fan tried to convince me that Jack is the mother of all mofos.  His credibility on this issue has been damaged because 1) he's never seen Alias and 2) he's so so wrong.

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