Monday, September 25, 2006

Latest triumph

One thing that gets me about China-- all the bread is sweet.  I'd always taken it for granted when I was in the U.S., bread, should taste like bread... unless it's sweet bread!  

In China, it's the opposite.  Bread is sweet, even when the package says, "AMERICAN-STYLE" the bread is sweet.  You can tell as soon as you open the package, you get a puff of sickly-sweetness. 

So every time I buy bread, I try to look for bread that might not be sweet.  It helps that I can now recognize the characters for "sweet" and "cane sugar".  I still have to pick through what Chinese consider bread: "milk bread", "cereal bread", "corn bread" (which is not corn bread, but bread with bits of corn kernels).  I've finally found bread that isn't sweet.  Or, rather, isn't AS sweet.  The package says in English, "SALT BUTTER STYLE".  I thought that was a good indicator, and I decided to try it.  Jackpot.  

But I still miss my whole wheat and rye.  Especially a nice Jewish rye, complete with seeds.

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