Friday, December 30, 2005

Rain on the parade

Well, it seems Northwestern won't be able to pull it off after all - it's 43-38 UCLA with 0:00:23 left. With the onside kick as our only chance, it doesn't look good at all. I can't deny that it was painful to watch NU lose a 22-0 lead, but I take solace in that it was a much better showing than in any of our last two bowl games where we were completely blown out.

The best thing about Wildcat fans is that we all have hope. At the end of the 4th, with only 0:02:00 or so left, most of the UCLA stands were empty. The other side was packed with Purple. We'll keep hoping until we win our second bowl in 50 years. It will happen.

Sunny side of the street, part II

After a spectacular 1st quarter, Northwestern is down by 11 in the 4th. I believe we can still pull this off - and if we do, it'll be a huge coup by a scrappy NU team.

Waiting with bated breath...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Extra, extra

Today I wrapped my first day of a movie shoot. Ok, it wasn't really a movie... more like a small, independent film. Fine. It was a transit security training video. Still, it had a camera crew, lighting, sound, director, actors, other extras, the works! It had everything except stuntmen and special effects.

Not a bad gig, if you ask me. It's perfect for people who get a lot of time off and want to make a few extra bucks without committing to a longer term job, e.g. Alaska fishermen, students, housewives/husbands, retirees.

My new life goal is to be an extra in a zombie movie. Ughhhh.. Ahhhh!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Who cares, it's just a joke.

I used to hear it all the time when I was in college and active in publicizing social issues. The apathetic majority's response to activism was usually along the lines of "Get over it. It's just a joke." or "There's too much political correctness. Get a life!"

What's ironic is that I've said that myself about some issues, usually issues I care little about. I suspect the same is true of many other people. You don't care until you do, so to speak.

Five or six years ago, Abercrombie & Fitch came out with a line of T-shirts that had slogans that made fun of Asians. An example: "Wong Brothers Laundry-- Two Wongs can make it white." One company official even said that they thought that Asians would love the shirts. Well, many Asians didn't, and made some noise, demonstrating outside Bay Area stores. The response from White America, and White-washed Asians? The typical "It's just for fun" bullshit. We got the same response when a hateful email was posted to a fraternity listserv at my university around the same time. I think the problem is that if you let jokes based on stereotypes become socially acceptable outside of friends, then it becomes much more pernicious.

Anyway, recently, Abercrombie came out with yet another slew of offensive T-shirts. This time, the shirts were offensive to girls. Slogans included "Who needs brains when you've got these?" (across the chest), "Give me something to scream about" and "Blonds are adored, brunettes are ignored". So some high school girls have organized a "girlcott" and have even met with top Abercrombie executives.

Personally, I think they're kind of funny and don't really care one way or the other about the T-shirts. Maybe they should just get over it-- it's just a joke.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Writer's block

I have a running list of blog topics. Some, I think, are pretty good. They're variegated, sometimes controversial, and hopefully interesting to most people.

So why don't I post more? Well, there's actually a good chunk of the topics that I just haven't worked up the nerve to write yet, because I know they will likely be offensive. I know there are a few people who drop by now and then who don't know who I am but know me through other people, and they will very likely be offended. Close friends probably wouldn't be offended, and know that I'm pretty much incapable of evildoing.

Other topics are so complex that I haven't been able to work out a decent post (which I know hasn't stopped me from posting at times before), or are topics for which I probably couldn't contribute something original.

And lastly, sometimes I just don't feel like posting, even though I can have a lot of nothing to say.

On the Sunny Side of the Street

So Northwestern is going to the Sun Bowl against UCLA. I'm pulling for a good showing this year - maybe we'll even win?

Anyone planning on going?