Saturday, June 30, 2007

iPhone at last

I waited in line today at an AT&T store to get an iPhone. I was #11 in line at this particular store. By the time the doors opened, there were at least 50 people in line. I'm pretty sure the store sold out.

One funny thing I saw was there was a Verizon Wireless tech waiting in line with us, with his truck parked right in front. Here's a picture of when his truck was still in the parking lot.

Some people were camped out since early in the morning. I only waited about 3 hours, but boy I should have brought a chair or something. My ass, despite its cushiony structure, hurt like hell.

Just as the line started moving, the guy next to me starts chatting me up. He's a little shorter than me, Indian, and looks slightly more nerdy than I do. He starts asking me questions like, "So are you excited to get the iPhone?" "Which one are you going to get, the 4GB or the 8GB?" and saying things like, "I heard that the AT&T network isn't 3G."

Now, being a nerd myself, I knew exactly what he was talking about. However, I felt this overwhelming urge to keep my nerdiness to myself. So I played dumb. "3G? What's that?" (3G? Hell yes I want 3G!) "I saw the commercials and thought the phone looked pretty cool." (I've been following Apple and iPhone news for the past six months)

It was very strange. Even though I was probably a bigger geek than he was when it comes to Apple, I felt a need to hide it. The guys in front of me were even worse, discussing things like the future of Apple notebooks and how cool David Pogue's iPhone video was.

Even though I love nerdy things, I feel this need to hide it as much as possible. I guess I just don't want to be the stereotype. Which is why I chose engineering, but not computer or electrical engineering. Which is why I chose biomedical engineering, but did not want to be a doctor. Which is why I decided to teach instead of consult. I asked my friend what I look like to her. She said that I look like an ABC. But that's exactly what I don't want to look like. At the same time, I don't want to look like a FOB either. So where does that leave me?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Big Brother, Inc.

It appears Google is extending its reach with yet another cool feature: StreetView. With Google, you just know this will be super useful. Even though Amazon has had something like this for several years.

So what happens if you're accidentally caught in one of the shots, and you don't want to be in Google's infinite database? Google will take it down for you right? Wrong. It turns out opting out requires you to send Google personal information.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, if we're caught in the background of some newspaper or magazine photo, there's not much we can do about it. After all, we're out in public, and public is public. But I think the problem here is that being caught in Google's StreetView ostensibly means that we'll be there forever, easily searchable, and in contexts that could be damaging to our privacy. Like women going to abortion clinics. Or people going to an HIV testing center. Or you going to a job interview while still employed.

Many people seem to agree that it should be an easy matter for Google to simply blur out people's features so they're not identifiable. After all, what value does it bring to the service to have people's faces in it? Instead, Google's making people jump through hoops to opt-out, and that makes me a little worried about the way Google is infiltrating our lives.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Breaking News!

I'd like to think of myself as compassionate. I care for my fellow man. But when you flaunt your immense wealth by ridiculing the masses and acting like a spoiled brat on TV, you're just asking for it. That is why I support Paris Hilton being in jail. It's probably also why the "Jail Paris Hilton" petition had at least twice the signatures of the "Free Paris Hilton" petition that Paris herself started. I support it even though jailing Paris costs two to three times as much as jailing a standard convict.

She thinks she's being targeted because of her fame. I totally agree. Did you think infamy only had an upside? She also had an incredible opportunity to turn her entire image around, to be America's sweetheart instead of being almost universally hated. Too bad she screwed that up with the behind-the-scenes deal to serve only 3 days in jail.

But the real news is that Paris is finally getting a reality check. She called Barbara Walters and described her experience. "I feel like I am in a cage."


Monday, June 11, 2007

Leopard Features Announced!

Even non-technophiles must rejoice: Apple's new operating system, Mac OS X Leopard was demoed today with lots of cool new features announced.

The best thing about Apples new operating system releases is they usually make older machines faster even while adding new bells and whistles.

One probably unsung but very exciting addition is a VoiceOver upgrade. Now, your computer can read things on the screen to you in a pretty natural-sounding voice. Even cooler is that it can now read Japanese and Chinese.

Man, if they had that when I was studying Japanese... nah, I'd probably still end up not remembering anything.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Eat for $5 a week

I found the recent Time photo essay on what the world eats to be fascinating. They tallied up the total food expenditure for one week for families around the world, then took a picture of them with all the food.

The first thing I noticed was how the families from industrialized nations consumed so much more processed food. Things like cereals, bottled drinks, cookies, chips, etc. One family from Southeast Asia had surprisingly little green in their diet, and I was also surprised to see that the two American families ate a significant amount of fruit and vegetables.

I think I'd be a little scared to see what I ate in one week. It might just be a table of gummi worms and cheddar cheese.