Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Online dating update, and advice?

Ok. So for some background, you can refer to my Sunday, July 11th post titled "First Date".

Well, this is what has happened since our first date.

She told me during our date that she was heading down to South Carolina for a road trip with her sister, and that it would be a weeklong trip. 'Ok by me,' I thought. This would give me a chance to just relax without having to think about what to do next.

She calls me and leaves a message the following week, after her trip. She says, 'Just got back, wanted to see what you're up to.' or something similar. That was like last week of July.

I haven't called her back.

Why? Like I said in my previous post, I just didn't feel any chemistry. No connection, really. I know it was just a first date, but there wasn't anything to intrigue me enough to want to go on a second date. Now, I'm sure that if we had to spend time together in some other capacity (say, at work, or through an activity, but not in the context of dating), I would get to know her, and then she and I may have become friends, and I would enjoy hanging out with her.

In this case, I'm not sure, and it's hard to put forth effort to try and get to know someone you're not all that interested in. And to be very honest, it's not just her personality (although the online dating service claims to match people on their personalities, interests, and values) - I also don't find her particularly physically attractive. She's not ugly or anything, just not my cup of tea. I guess it doesn't help that I have a very specific type of tea that I like.

If I were to call her, it would basically be to invest in something that might provide further opportunities (e.g. expanding my social circle), but I wouldn't feel good about doing it under the pretense of dating. I guess I would have to lay it all out.

I consulted a few people, and the consensus was, just don't call back. It's better than calling and saying, "You're not what I'm interested in, sorry." or "Not interested in dating, but let's be friends."

Obviously, this is still bothering me. I feel terrible about just not having called back, even if what I have to say may not be pleasant. And who knows? Maybe it's mutual. As hard as I try, and even though I keep hearing girls like guys who are jerks (at least in some way), I don't like being a jerk. I guess this is why nice guys always finish last.

Anyway, I'd love to know what everyone thinks. Is it past the point of no return? Should I call and just tell the truth? If so, how should I say it? Should I try to be friends with her? Should I just forget about it?

You can either comment, or vote on my new poll question.

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