Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Double standard?

I've decided that it's almost impossible for men to be sexually harassed. I don't know about other men, but I think I could take some unwanted sexual advances. It's almost flattering. I think guys are so used to being the aggressors, it's almost refreshing when girls take some initiative. Unless the woman was extremely unattractive, I don't think any guy would feel strongly enough about an unwanted sexual advance to say anything about it. Then again, I don't think sex usually plays any role in a man's career opportunities, so that's another way that it's different, I suppose.

In other news, New York City got record rainfall today. It took me two hours to get to work, when usually it takes me 25 minutes. You couldn't get on a subway or bus or cab if you wanted to. I was lucky and was able to squeeze onto a bus, but only after I was already 1.5 hours late. I think a lot of people were stressed out, but lately, I don't get stressed about about that kind of stuff anymore - what can you do? It's out of your control. And usually things turn out OK anyway. So why worry? (This, despite my being known as a "worry wart" in 6th grade)

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